FSM Programming Purchase Options

Hi! It's Dr. Nicole Anderson here. If you are here it is because you've made a great decision for your health! Custom Care devices are purchased through us here at Anderson Sport and Wellness. The iCare devices are purchased through the manufacturer(we provide the link to purchase). The custom care does not come preloaded with any protocols, therefore purchasing programming for the device is required for it to be functional. The iCare device comes with 2 protocols preloaded and in order to reach your health goals you will need more protocols. Custom programming for both devices is available for purchase below. If you purchase both devices, one programming package applies to both.

Click the button to select your programming option!

Bronze Programming Set-up ($600.00)

  • Includes the initial programming of the device with your unique FSM program to address your problem. Your program will be created based on your comprehensive evaluation with us (the evaluation cost is separate). You will also receive instructions regarding how and when to use the device to optimize your health and accelerate healing.
Bronze Programming Set-up ($600.00) - Click to Purchase

Silver Programming Package ($1,200.00)

  • Includes your initial custom programming of the device and also the super wellness bundle of ASW proprietary protocols (click HERE to view more detail about what is in the bundle). Your custom program will be created based on your comprehensive evaluation with us (the evaluation cost is separate). You will also receive instructions regarding how and when to use the device to optimize your health and accelerate healing.

Gold Programming Package ($2,760.00)

  • Includes your initial custom programming of the device and also the super wellness bundle of ASW proprietary protocols (click HERE to view more detail about what is in the bundle) along with 4 hours of additional programming of your device to be used at a later time. Your program will be created based on your comprehensive evaluation with us (the evaluation cost is separate). You will also receive instructions regarding how and when to use the device to optimize your health and accelerate healing.
Gold Programming Package ($2,760.00) - Click to Purchase

ASW Wellness Bundles

Injury Healing Bundle ($150):

  • This bundle includes programs that will help accelerate the healing of: Fractures, muscle strains, joint/soft tissue injuries, neck injuries, and back injuries. *More programs are needed to accelerate the healing of a disc injury and provide pain relief than what is included here - because there is always a spinal cord and nerve component requiring the use of the custom care machine to accelerate healing, however, this is a good start. The sooner the injury healing programs are stared after an injury - the better.

Mental Wellness Bundle ($150):

  • This bundle includes programs that will help with: Balancing the vagus nerve, nervous system, and brain. It also helps calm the midbrain (fight or flight brain center) and restore balance to the nervous system after negative emotional experiences, helps with migraines, and calms anxiety.

Immunity Support Bundle ($150):

  • This bundle includes programs that can be used to support: Decreasing congestion from a cold, flu, or allergies. Support the healing of flu and cold symptoms in the lungs, throat, nose, and bronchioles, bronchitis, also supporting your immune system to help you recover from food poisoning (If antibiotics are needed, you should take them), FSM does not eliminate viruses or bacteria, it does support your body to help it fight them off faster and ease symptom severity.

Migraine Rescue Bundle ($150):

  • This bundle includes programs that help: Stop a migraine in as fast as 1-2 hours in most cases, and balance the brain and vagus nerve.

General Wellness Bundle ($150):

  • This bundle includes programs that will help with: Falling asleep and quality sleep, decrease inflammation in your body, decrease soreness and stiffness after a workout, and programs to promote the proper function of the liver, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, heart, and digestion.

Longevity Bundle ($150)

  • These programs promote anti-aging for the skin and vitality of the brain and nervous system. They DO NOT replace appropriate medical care when indicated, or proper diet and exercise. These specific frequency protocols designed by Dr. of Physical Therapy Nicole Anderson (which you won't find anywhere else) significantly enhance the effectiveness of appropriate medical care.

This bundle includes programs that help:

  • Accelerate anti-aging for the skin and programs to promote the proper function of the brain and nervous system to promote longevity and mental acuity.

Super Bundle ($600):

  • Get all 6 bundles for $600.00 (Save $300)

Click HERE to view the Wellness Super Bundle Contents

Phone: 949 274 7110 x102

Email: clientcare@andersonswpt.com

Website: www.andersonswpt.com